Drug Doses 17th edition, 2017
A$9.95 + postage. 128 pages.
Drug Doses 17th edition, 2017
A$9.95 + postage. 128 pages.
From orders@drugdoses.com
Or purchase at
JR Medical Books
728 Plenty Rd, Reservoir,
Victoria 3073, Australia
Digital version from www.drugdoses.net
To report errors or make suggestions contact Prof Frank Shann at shanndoses@gmail.com
The booklet includes the dose of every drug commonly prescribed for systemic use in both adults and children, except for diagnostic agents. The booklet does not list the side effects of drugs, indications for their use, or modifications for renal or hepatic failure.
Publication of the 18th edition of Drug Doses has been delayed by the coronavirus pandemic. I hope the 18th edition will be available in the second half of 2021. In the meantime, it is safe to keep using the current 17th edition.
There is an error on the back cover. Suggestions about the book should be sent to shanndoses #at# gmail #dot# com, not shanndoses #at# google #dot# com.
There is a new supplier for the 17th edition of Drug Doses: medicalbooks.com.au
Frank Shann